Indoor Golf Guide is committed to offering our users the most accurate and current information on indoor golf. Our editorial policy details the standards and guidelines we adhere to in order to maintain the accuracy and reliability of our content.
All content on Indoor Golf Guide goes through a 3-step process to ensure its accuracy. First, the content is written by a subject-matter expert to ensure that the writer has the most context possible on the topic they are writing about. Next, the content is reviewed by another subject-matter expert to ensure that it is accurate. Finally, the content is reviewed by an editor to ensure it is grammatically correct.
All product and location reviews on our website are unbiased and not sponsored. This ensures that all reviews are unbiased and that there is no commercial interest behind them. You can not buy a positive review on Indoor Golf Guide.
All our content is written by real golfers who have been playing the game for more than five years. This ensures that all content that is provided to users is accurate and based on personal experience and statistics. We strive to provide authoritative and informative content that adds value to our users’ experience.
Every article and review has a last updated date listed to show when it was last updated. We strive to update existing content to reflect the latest developments in golf and to match the current quality of indoor golf locations.
If you have any questions or suggestions about our editorial policy, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Your feedback is crucial in helping us uphold the high editorial standards you expect and deserve from Indoor Golf Guide.